Monday, February 29, 2016

Space Marine Scout Fire Support

I finished the second of four Lamenter scouts for a Pulp Alley League. The idea is that these guys are a recon patrol, able to operate independently of other forces. This guy is the fire support. Photos are lacking a bit - got a new light and I'm still working it out.
For the most part, he's standard scout bits. The one exception is the bolt gun: it's from the Sternguard marine set - the box mag gives the weapon a bit more of a sustained fire feel.
Only two more of these shoulder pads to go!
And here he is with his buddy, Farov Payne.


  1. 2 down, 2 more to go...can't wait to see the entire team! :)

    1. Thanks! I've just finished building number 3. Quite enjoying the process: stitching the kits together in new ways.

  2. Really cool, lloking forward to seeing more!

    1. Cheers Suber! They're turning into a fun little project.
